Une quhem Nazife Durguti-Hyseni e lindur me:06.10.1987 ne Rahovec,nga prinderit:Sadedin dhe Fahrije.Jam e martuar.Shkollen fillore dhe te mesme (drejtimi Shkenca Natyrore),i kam te kryera ne Rahovec.Ne vitin 2006/2007 e kam regjistruar fakulltetin e Mjekesis ne Univerzitetin e Prishtines,ku edhe kam diplomuar ne vitin 2012/2013.Pas diplomimit kam punuar si mjeke e pergjithshme per peraferishte kater vite ne Rahovec.Gjate kesaj kohe kam marr pjese ne trajnime te ndryshme profesionale te organizuara ne vendet e ndryshme te Kosoves.Ne vitin 2017 e fillova specializimin ne degen e Hematologjis,tash me vijoje vitin e dyte te specializimit.Kjo jam une dhe kjo eshte biografia ime e shkurter.
I am Nazife Durguti-Hyseni,born an:06.10.1987 in Rahovec,by the parents Sadedin and Fahrije.I am married.Primary school und secondary(direction of natural disasters),I have finished in Rahovec.In 2006/2007 I have registered the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Pristina,where I graduated in 2012/2013.After graduation I worked as a general doctor for approximately four years in Rahovec.During this time I participated in different professional trainings,organized in different parts of Kosovo.In 2017,I started the specialization at the Hematology branch,where I am now in the second year.This is me and this is my short Biography.