Experienced Medical Doctor with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry focused in Hematology, Dr. Miranda Hoti was born in Prizren in 1988. She finished her elementary and high school in Prizren, then continued her higher education studies in General Medicine in the University of Prishtina in Prishtine. During her studies, she was part of several recreation and scientific activities, including Work and Travel in USA, Congress KISCOMS in Prishtina, etc. After successfully completing her studies in 2014, she began her internship in Prizren‘s Regional Hospital where she further developed her practical skills in the field of medicine. In between, she also worked as a medical representative at Turkish Hospital Acibadem and then in a phamaceutical company called Olainfarm. The latter was an experience during which she not only advanced her pharmaceutical knowledge and skills, but also had a lifetime experience in a completely new field – that of the Medical Marketing. After working for a year as a Medical Doctor in Urgent Primary Care in Prizren she began the residency program in UCCK in Prishtine in the field of Hematology. Ms. Hoti is currently in the third year of residency, and she is especially interested in Pathology Hematology which she plans to be her next big step. Excellent knowledge of English and German language, as well as great computer skills in Microsoft office, Internet, Social Media, iOS apps etc.
Doktoreshe e mjekesise me një histori të demonstruar të punës në spitale dhe ne industrinë e kujdesit shëndetësor me fokus te veqante në Hematologji, Dr Miranda Hoti u lind ne Prizren ne qershor te vitit 1988. Shkollen fillore dhe te mesme e mbaroi ne Prizren per te vazhduar studimet ne Prishtine ne degen Mjekesi e Pergjithshme ne Universitetin e Prishtines. Gjate kohes se studimeve mori pjese ne shume aktivitete rekreative dhe shkencore sikurse programi‚ Work and travel’ ne Amerike,”Kongresi KISCOMS” ne Prishtine etj. Pas mbarimit te studimeve me sukses ne dhjetor te vitit 2014 vazhdoi stazhin profesional postdiplomik ne Spitalin Rajonal te Prizrenit duke pervehtesuar keshtu edhe me shume njohurite praktike te fushes se mejekesise. Ne nderkohe ka punuar si reprezentuese mjekesore per spitalin turk Acibadem e me pas ne kompanine farmaceutike OlainFarm ku perveq avansimit ne fushen farmaceutike ka perjetuar edhe nje experience te nje natyre shume te veqante – Marketingun medicinal. Pas nje viti pervoje pune si Mjeke e Pergjithshme ne Qendren Urgjente te Mjekesise Familiare ne Prizren vazhdon specializimin ne fushen e Hemtologjise ne QKUK tanime ne vit te trete. Veçanerisht e interesuar ne fushen e Hematologjise patologjike te cilen edhe mendon ta vazhdoje si subspecializim. Njeh ne menyre te shkelqyeshme gjuhen Angleze dhe Gjermane, po ashtu ka edhe aftesi te mira te perdorimit te Microsoft Office, internetit, social media, iOS apps etj.